South End Road, Hornchurch, RM12 5UA


Elm Park Primary School

Aspiring to be the best we can be!

Welcome to Elm Park Primary School

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our truly extraordinary school.

We are a two form entry primary so I am fortunate in being able to get to know all the children as individuals, as do all the staff.

We are very welcoming with a strong happy, family atmosphere and a safe and calm environment. We were exceedingly privileged to have a new school building built for us in 2011. We all helped make decisions about its design, and what we wanted our school to look and feel like… which makes it all the more special to us! The building is modern, light and spacious. We use the spaces creatively to allow children to learn in a variety of ways and in different environments. We love our school and find the building an uplifting and inspirational place to work and learn every day.

Aspiring to be the best we can be! Our vision is all about providing the best for our pupils, parents and staff. Through high expectations, and providing our pupils with excellent role models, we aim to grow good people; people who care deeply about each other and who have a curiosity and passion for lifelong learning, and can confidently take their place as global citizens in an ever changing world.

We strongly believe in preparing our children for their future, and the use of technology to support their learning is an important part of this. ICT runs through the heart of our school curriculum, and our pupils are taught to use technology to enhance and support their independent learning. Please take a moment to visit other areas of our website and be sure to take a virtual tour. You can also view a series of nine short videos that help to explain our commitment to developing technology across all aspects of the curriculum.

Active parental involvement is key to a child’s success in learning and all aspects of school life. As you will see by browsing different areas of our website, you and your child are very important to us. You can be assured that we will work very hard to involve you in every step of your child’s time here, and will do our best to help all children become the best that they can be. The staff and governors of Elm Park Primary School are very proud of our children and our extraordinary school. Please do not hesitate to arrange an appointment to visit us. To do so please email: or call 01708 451463. You can also complete a contact form on the school website: www.

I look forward to welcoming you and showing you around our school.


Ms V Morris




Latest Newsletters

  • 08 Feb 2025
    Change of menu for 14/2/25

    Please see the attached poster regarding the change of menu for Friday 14/2/25

  • 04 Feb 2025
    Polite Reminder Parent Forum Friday 7th February, 2025 9.00am-10.00am

    Please see attached Agenda for Parents Forum Friday 7th February, 2025 9.00am-10.00am

  • 29 Jan 2025
    NELFT Parents Virtual Drop-in Sessions

    NELFT Parents Virtual Drop-in Sessions please see attached flyer

  • 29 Jan 2025
    Cycle Training

    The Council offer fully funded cycle training to adults and families for anyone who lives, works or studies in the borough. Please see the attached poster for more information.
    Thank you

  • 07 Jan 2025
    Change of menu 16/1/25

    Please see the change of menu for Thursday 16th January 2025.

    Thursday 16/1/25 is 'Census Day', on this day information is taken from schools and sent to the Government as a snapshot of what a normal day looks like in schools based on many things, one being the amount of children eating a school dinner on that day.

    The more children who register and try a school dinner, the more funding the local authority and Elm Park Primary will receive. This, in turn, gives us more money to spend on the children. Therefore, we encourage all children to try a school meal on this day, if your child is unsure about school dinners they can also bring in a packed lunch to eat if they are not enjoying their school meal.

    As you know the school meals are currently free for all primary aged children so this will not be at any extra cost to you.

    Please take a look at the attached poster for the delicious meal the children will be receiving on 16/1/25.

    Thank you for your continued support.