South End Road, Hornchurch, RM12 5UA


Elm Park Primary School

Aspiring to be the best we can be!

  1. News
  2. Information
  3. TfL Travel for Life Gold Accreditation

TfL Travel for Life Gold Accreditation

14 October 2023 (by Ashlea Stevenson (ashlea.stevenson))

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are thrilled to share some fantastic news with you regarding our school's recent achievement in attaining the TfL Travel for Life Gold Accreditation. This recognition highlights the outstanding efforts we have made in promoting safe, active, and responsible travel within our school community.

Participation in the TfL Travel for Life program has enabled us to contribute to various positive outcomes, such as enhanced road safety, improved air quality, reduced traffic congestion, and the promotion of healthier, active lifestyles for both our students and the wider London community.

This remarkable accomplishment is the result of collaborative endeavours involving our pupils, dedicated staff members, and the supportive parent and guardian community. Your active involvement and support have played a crucial role in our success. We also extend special recognition to our Teacher and Pupils groups for their relentless dedication to achieving TfL Travel for Life Accreditation.

We sincerely thank you for your continued commitment to fostering sustainable travel practices within our community. Together, we can sustain this high level of Accreditation and continue to provide a healthy and safe learning environment for everyone.

If you wish to learn more about TfL Travel for Life Accreditation (formerly TfL STARS Accreditation), please visit for additional information.

For any inquiries or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Fuller